Race, Inequality, and Health: Award-Winning Journalist Linda Villarosa Visits BIC Capstone

10/08/2020 Unknown 0 Comments

This year, BIC's non-profit capstone is partnering with Memorial Sloan Kettering and CCNY in their research collaboration to Redressing Access to and Disparities in Immunotherapy for Breast Cancer (READI).  While focusing on the latest advances in immunotherapy for breast cancer, the ultimate goal is to empower Black and Hispanic women to be better advocates in their own care. BICsters in the Class of 2021 will work in teams to create integrated marketing communications campaigns that include educational materials as part of their pitch to READI in December. 

BIC Professor Katina Scott, who oversees the B3021 Non-Profit Campaign Practicum, has invited a wide range of guest lecturers who are experts in the space to give BICsters the opportunity to hear from those on the frontlines of these discussions. 

On September 17th, BICsters had the opportunity to hear from award winning journalist, educator, novelist and New York Times contributor, Linda Villarosa. Linda covers the intersection of health and medicine and social justice; she is also the Director of MCA's journalism program at CCNY. 

"How False Beliefs in Physical Racial Difference Still Live in Medicine Today" was among the powerful collection of essays in The New York Time's "The 1619 Project" which examined the legacy of slavery in America. Linda’s 2018 cover story for The New York Times Magazine, "Why America's Black Mothers and Babies Are in a Life-or-Death Crisis," was nominated for a National Magazine Award. Most recently she has covered the toll that pollution has taken on black communities in America and the environmental justice movement in Philadelphia, also for The New York Times Magazine. 

Look out for our other guest lectures happening throughout the Fall!