DECODED Teaches BICsters and Innovators Code-in-a-Day
In a Saturday session that included highly motivated BICsters, Education Innovators, and Industry Pros, DECODED demystified technology by providing lively and fruitful instruction on HTML and Javascript. All participants were tasked with answering a brief that required them to produce a lifestyle app using basic coding language. With the glow of laptops lighting their faces, over 30 tech "newbies" made the decision to forgo the best weather of the season in order to sit together for this intensive workshop that is part of a larger one-credit BIC course "Tech for Non-Techies" which has a mission to teach students basic concepts, terminology, and broad applications of technology and design necessary in the communications industry so that they are not intimidated and more likely to be productive in cross-disciplinary, tech-fueled projects.
This immersive 4-hour, on-campus experience was created as a partnership between DECODED and CCNY's BIC Program. Spearheaded by Jeffrey French as part of DECODED's Social Impact pilot project to expand its mission beyond the corporate world into the broader educational space, the BIC session included more than 15 BIC students, educators from CUNY and Parsons The New School for Design, as well as industry professionals from Y&R, TBWA/Chiat/DayNY, Diageo, and 360i.
ABOUT DECODED: Founded in 2011, DECODED has quietly built a formidable stable of tech education and learning services, coupled with a world-class roster of instructors. Along the way, DECODED has transitioned into offering custom programs, working with companies such as Mastercard, Unilever, NBCUniversal, IBM, and General Electric to help align their digital visions with workforce behavioral changes. DECODED has conducted its custom, immersive, in-person learning program with more than 200,000 enterprise learners and 600 companies across 85 cities globally.