THREE BIC teams selected for ONE Show Client Pitch
A BIG BIC Congrats to the THREE BIC teams that have been selected for The ONE Show's 2016 Client Pitch. Fewer than ten teams from around the globe were selected to pitch their work directly to the client at NOON on Monday, May 9th. That means that 3 out of 10 teams are from BIC! Could be historic. It's definitely epic. The winners will receive a $2,000 prize and will be announced at the awards ceremony on Tuesday, May 10th.This year's Client Pitch teams will include BICsters:
Marika Bailey and Naushika Perera for their presentation of the TogetHER app; Ben Miftari, Enmanuel Vargas, and Saif Mohammad Ishtiaque for their presentation of the "22% Difference"; and Megan Fullagar, Benjamin Kent, Marta Mugica, Liana Pantzari, and Karina Ramos Salce for their presentation of "Effigies for Equality."
To help cram for the event which were to be held only a few days after students were notified, BICsters got some "speed coaching" from 2007 Client Pitch winner and CCNY alum Sal Lombardo who's now an art director at Y&R.
ABOUT: The Client Pitch Competition offers students a chance to win an award by pitching their Young Ones Competition entries to a group of top creatives and client representatives. While the Young Ones Competition is judged solely by creative excellence and idea, the Client Pitch Competition is judged by the participants' ability to create and articulate a focused strategy and the persuasiveness of the marketing pitch.
The One Club will select the best submissions, and the finalist teams will give a 10-minute live presentation to a panel of judges in May in New York City. The winning team will then be announced and awarded with $2,000 at the One Show Young Ones Awards Ceremony.