BICsters Dive Deep into Cross-Cultural Marketing

12/17/2019 Unknown 0 Comments

Once again, Professor Amy Gomez brought her vast experience helping Fortune 500 companies and non-profits effectively reach diverse consumers to BIC's Cross-Cultural Marketing one-credit intensive earlier this November. As Gomez explained, she first called this course Multi-Cultural Communications. But as Gomez proved throughout her lessons, Cross-Cultural Marketing became more fitting as BICsters from the Classes of 2020 and 2021 did deep dives into various markets exploring the cultures within them.

Establishing a clear framework that acknowledged the fallacy of a "one-size fits all" strategy, Gomez wowed her class with an impressive roster of speakers: Mariko Carpenter from Neilson covered Asian Deep Dive, Brendan Snyder from Google covered LGBTQ Deep Dive, Mafê Villas Boâs from Facebook covered Cross-Cultural Insight Mining, Oscar Allain from UM worldwide covered Cross-Cultural Connections Planning, Winter Mendelson from Posture Media covered Marketing to NonBinary Consumers, and Darren Wesley Martin Jr. covered Marketing, Diversity & Inclusion and Intersectionality.

To gain a better understanding of multicultural consumers and the key tenets of cross-cultural marketing, students not only wrote reaction papers to the topics covered in class, they worked in groups to present a client pitch that gave an overview of a multicultural segment, how to reach this audience based on its media consumption, and ways to design creative opportunities that don't just target audiences, but resonate with them.