International Women's Day Panel Features BIC Professor Angela Chitkara
In honor of International Women's Day and as part of a month-long reflection on issues women face in the workplace, Porter Novelli convened a panel discussion in New York City to talk about the current state of affairs. Panelists included BIC Professor Angela Chitkara, Kendra Clarke, VP of data science and product development at Sparks and Honey, Cheryl Miller Houser, Founder and CEO of Creative Breed, Soon Mee Kim, EVP of Diversity and Inclusion at Porter Novelli, and Joanna Barsh, director emerita of McKinsey who was able to speak directly to the most recent McKinsey & Company 2018 study that shows that women’s representation, especially at the most senior ranks, has stalled or is regressing.
Expanding on her research which was the basis of an article in Harvard Business Review, Professor Chitkara addressed the need for PR agencies to be more diverse and inclusive.
"Organizational structures were not designed for those outside of the dominant culture," says Soon Mee Kim, Porter Novelli's leader of global diversity and inclusion.
Read more about this event here in PR Week.