Be A BICster for a Night!
Ever wonder what it's like to be a BIC student? Then be a "BICster for a Night." Join us this February as BIC opens up its classrooms for a test drive. Pick a class (or two) and sit in on the lecture. Check out the schedule and course descriptions below. RSVP for the Zoom link.
B2003 Brand Experience (Foundational Course required for all tracks)
Anchored by a unified identity and enabled by technology, the way that brands are experienced by consumers takes a wide variety of forms and formats. This survey class explores methods of creating brand experience in physical, digital, traditional and experimental ways and delves into the coordinated application of mass, personal and social media to create rich sensory environments. Taught by Partner/President of Research & Strategy at PSFK Scott Lachut.
B3002 Consumer Behavior & Persuasion (Required Course for Management & Planning Track)
One part psychology and one part communications theory, this course helps us understand what really motivates people today (especially those we like to call “consumers”). Through readings, case studies and hands-on exercises, students will explore how various models of persuasion and psychology can provide the lens through which brands can design meaningful market research and tailor effective communications which persuade the intended audience. Taught by Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at The [blank] Project Michael Doody.
B3003 Internal Management (Required Course for Management & Planning Track)
Advertising and Marketing Communications is no longer an industry of “idea development” where brand identity is generated through one way forms of storytelling; it must now include new forms of consumer engagement which require managed storyBUILDING. This presents new challenges in the ways in which managers must be fluent in developing strategies, fostering collaboration, evaluating content, visualizing information, reacting to consumer participation, making persuasive presentations – all while breaking down agency silos that inhibit productivity and collaboration. Today's agency manager must not just manage a process-driven environment, but be change agents that create a healthy, dynamic, and sustainable culture. Co-taught by Executive Chairman at Trinity P3 USA Marketing Management Consultants Michael Farmer and Founder & Strategic Advisor at Rodes Advisory LLC Rodes Ponzer.
B3020 Branding Influentials (Required Course for Public Relations Track)
This course explores the evolving role of influence and influencers in brand communications. Can an individual, a group of like-minded people, an organization representing a compelling cause, or even a pet with a following, play an outsized role in market behavior? How a brand can harness this power is crucial in communications today. Taught by Managing Director at jacobstahl, a Bloom company Sandra Stahl.
B3010 Creative Concepts (Required Course for Creative Track)
An advanced studio course in the BIC Creative Track for development of campaign concepts in the print medium. Based on strategic thinking, students will have the opportunity to create a number of campaign concepts that unite “art & copy” with an eye towards further development and inclusion in a spec book – or pre-professional portfolio. Students learn how to identify specific problems a brand may face and how to solve them through persuasive print advertising. Co-taught by Associate Creative Director at Grey Group Marina Beldi and Associate Creative Director at VaynerMedia | Founder of Make Ads With Me | D&AD New Blood Judge Jessica Lomasson.
B3022 PR Branding Campaigns (Required Course for Public Relations Track)
This course is about bringing to life the value and application of creating compelling comms campaigns in an integrated way. The goal of the class will be to equip students with the tools they need to create compelling public relations efforts that are grounded in research, sharp with strategy, solve business objectives, tell a good story, and amplify stakeholder’s perspectives on behalf of a brand or company. Taught by Managing Partner, jacobstahl, a Bloom company Jeremy Jacob.