5 Things I Learned in Grad School
Thrive Global, Arianna Huffington's company that helps individuals, companies, and communities improve their well-being and performance, just published BIC alumna Vanessa Caro's (Class of 2020) advice-packed blog for those considering graduate school. Entitled "5 things I learned in graduate school that helped me as an entry-level employee," Vanessa outlines why getting her BIC master's degree was worth the ride -- and how to get the most out of your time in as a grad student.Favorite quote: "Rejection stings like a wasp -- quick and deadly. What matters is what you do with that rejection and how you use feedback to be better than you were yesterday."
Vanessa -- who received the highest portfolio score in the PR track -- writes with wit, wisdom, and generosity. It's an amazing read. Please check it out here >> https://bit.ly/3j5uQ8b