3/18/2016 Unknown 0 Comments

When BIC Professor Michael Farmer walked into his very first class on Internal Management, he faced a dilemma. His book, Madison Avenue Manslaughter, the required text for his course, was sold out everywhere! One reason: Forbes magazine decided to write about it, coincidentally, on the first week of the Spring semester. The article, “How Agencies Are Putting Themselves Out Of Business And What We Should Do About It,” by Keanan Beasley was viewed over 50K times. After quoting several sections of the recently published book,  Beasley seemed to entice everyone in the industry to want to get their hands on it. In both the classroom and the book, Farmer addresses how outdated business models and ineffectual agency-client relationships have led to the decline of the advertising industry --  and what needs to be done about it. With characteristic generosity, Professor Farmer arranged to have the books specially delivered to his BIC students in time for the next class.